Industry News

Weekly Reporter – July 1st, 2015

Planning for financially savvy clients, an alternative to Section 79 plans and more in this week’s newsletter.

Marketing Concepts

Planning for Financially Savvy Clients
Life insurance can be a solution for clients who want to provide a death benefit for their families, but also want flexibility to use benefits during their lifetime as part of a diversified and tax-efficient financial plan.
 Diversified and Tax-Efficient
Enhancing Supplemental Benefit Plans
An executive bonus plan is a great way to help your business clients recruit, reward and retain key employees, and you can enhance the benefit it provides by including long-term care protection. View a sample case and learn how adding the long-term care rider to a business life insurance product can help protect business owners and their key employees.
 Enhance Supplemental Benefits
The Section 79 Alternative
Do you have business clients looking to provide benefits for themselves and selectively reward other key employees? With 2 major carriers suspending Section 79 sales due to IRS audit activity, now’s the time to consider this simple, flexible approach to provide life insurance to key persons and business owners.
 Now’s the time
Product Updates
See Life Differently in 3 Minutes
Watch this short video on MetLife’s newest product, Premier Accumulator Universal Life to learn how MetLife is challenging the status quo and you’ll see Life Insurance differently.
 Challenge the Status Quo
A Winning Play for Businesses
Studies show that top talent will leave their employers within three years. Create a higher value sale with business clients by sharing a way for them to keep key employees with TransNavigator and the Long Term Care rider.
 Create more value
Underwriting Updates
Wellness for Life
Accordia Life brings a long history of wellness expertise to their customers. Your customers can save on their insurance costs and build greater cash value over time, simply by demonstrating they care about their health.
 Save on insurance costs
Updated Guidelines for Foreign Travel and Nationals
Protective Life Insurance Company is pleased to announce two enhancements to their underwriting guidelines for foreign travel and foreign nationals that they believe will streamline the risk selection process and provide a more competitive approach for many cases.
 Streamlined and more competitive

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