Linked Alert: TransACE GUL + LTC rider
It’s not available in CA yet, but Transamerica’s premier guaranteed no-lapse UL with ROP set points (Multi-Flex Surrender Endorsement) will have an LTC rider linked to the contract when it is. Summary of features:
TransACE® 2012 with the new Long Term Care (LTC) Rider offers clients competitive premiums plus:
- Flexibility now and in the future: Clients can access LTC Rider benefits should they need long term care or, if long term care is not needed, they can provide a guaranteed death benefit to their beneficiaries.
- Guaranteed level LTC Rider charges: Unlike other programs, TransACE® LTC Rider charges are guaranteed level and will not increase during the life of the policy.
- Additional exit strategies: Clients have flexibility to surrender the policy during certain periods and be eligible to receive up to 100% of the life insurance premiums paid (MultiFlex Surrender Endorsement).
TransAce LTC Rider – intro & states approval
TransACE 2012 with Multi-flex Surrender Endorsement
Producers intending to sell the LTC Rider on TransACE® must complete a signed Amendment to Producer Agreement form (4112 AGO1234-U 6-11-12) and submit it to or fax it to (888) 837-2820 prior to soliciting business. This form can be found on TransACT, and is a prerequisite to selling the LTC Rider.
Additional information can also be obtained through or by contacting us today.
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