Anticipating Life Events
There are a number of reasons for reaching out to your clients and policyholders right now. There is a tremendous amount of public anxiety and mistrust – and with good reason. As a financial professional and insurance agent, YOU should be a “trusted person” among the many people that the public looks to for answers to tough problems in tough times.
Anticipating life changes is a perfect reason for contacting and setting up meetings with your clients and policyholders. And, some great referrals can come from those meetings (Key closing questions: “Has this been helpful to you?” Assuming “yes”, follow with “Who else do you know that might benefit from a meeting like this?”)
Some life events you might anticipate include:
• Singles getting married
• Young marrieds having a new child
• Children finishing college
• Clients starting a business/losing a job
• Parents becoming empty-nesters
• Grandparents needing help and clients nearing retirement
There are many other life events that, due to your relationships and notes to the file, you can discuss with your clients well in advance of their actually happening. In fact, getting in front of a problem before it actually happens is what we are all about.
Your people need you now more than ever!